Trouble with Switch

I have most of my track down. I used Realtrax for the layout,but am having some trouble with one o 54 switch. It works 3 or 4 times then seems to lose power slowly. I have other switches they all are snappy. Ive checked and rechecked all wiring. It seems like it needs lubricated or something. Anyone have some ideas? T.Y. Oh and Im running them off a 80 watt transformer, should have plenty juice.

80 watt transformer…Humm…I know I use my 190 watt KW transformer for my 8 pairs of switches. But, my KW only handles the switches, nothing else. What else you got running off that 80 watt transformer?? How many switches?? Are you switches similar to 022 switches? Thanks.

I use the 80 watt trans just for 2 switches thats plenty! But anyway I callled my local dealer that I got it from after Christmas, hes the best! He just gave me a brand new one, it works PERFECT! Thanks for the replies

cool then, problem solved. thanks.

Sarge, You might try doing a forum search, community search is just to the right of this column, for some of the trials and tribulations that some have experienced with the Realtrax turnouts. The available info would be a good “heads-up” of some things to watch for.

Welcome to the world of Realtrax switches. Several of us have them. One guy has a massive layout and has not had any trouble but his are the earlier made swtiches. The other guy has expanded his layout and the later made swtiches have given him trouble. I built my layout about a year and a half ago. Had lots of trouble with later made swtiches. I have some 054 but mainly 072. They arc when certain engines go through them on the turn out and some have just quit working. I had one swtich motor magnet turn to carbon powder. I keep spares so I can insert them in place of one that goes bad. Then try and repair the bad one. MTH will not recognize the problem. I do power mine [23 of them] with a KW. I use 15 volts as “back to back” swtiches operating at the same time will not “snap”. Good luck.

Thanks for all the replies. My local dealer has been great! So for now I’ll stick with realtrax, I figure its more durable than most other systems, better until the kids get older.