Troubleshooting whistle tender

I have an 8206 NYC steam engine with tender #2671w-6. The tender has a wire that connects to the locomotive to synchronize the chugging sound. The tender also whistles. Well, it is supposed to. I have not run the engine in a year or so and the whistle and “chugging” are not working. I have been trying to find articles online but to no avail. Any suggestions? Feel free to email me directly @

Thanks and Merry Christmas

Hello Scottman! Make sure that all of the solder connections are clean and tight.Plus,make sure that the Pickup Roller is also clean.If your Tender still does not work then Give Al Cox of Seattle Wa, A call at: 1-206-546-2230 and see if he still has any original circuit boards in stock.If not then a aftermarket supplier like QSI may be your best bet for help. Good Luck and let us know what happens.