
When attaching the truck assembly to your rolling stock, how do you know when it is right. If it’s too tight, it will not turn properly, if it’s too loose, the cars seems to wobble. When do you know you have it right?

Generally, you want to have one truck tight so that it only pivots from side to side, and the other one should be mush looser and allowed to pivot from side to side and up and down. Doing this should help minimize car wobbling.

Spokane, WA


Camodudes51 is correct.

If I may suggest, make sure you have adequete weight. Often times the weights that come in HO kits are not heavy enough. I forgot the forumula for weight but someone posted it recently on a thread.

For example: I weigh my Centerflow Hoppers down by filling the bin pockets with steel BB gun pellets and then cover them with Elmer’s glue. You can add flat weights to reefers, cabooses, boxcars, and gondolas as well. For Boxcars that have sliding doors, you can glue weights “out of sight” on the inside of the cars ends.

Passenger cars are notroriously light. For cars with underbody details like Riovorossis, you can fill in those empty pockets from the inside with the BBs and glue them, followed by the use of flat weights.

Overall, you’ll notice much better tracking and less bouncing. Metal wheel sets are also helpful.

Hope this helps [:D][8D][8)][:)][swg]