Trying out water color pencils for the first time. Bought a mutli pack of them at hobby lobby this weekend. Did some weathering with them on a couple open hopper car that i have. Has any one else tryed them? or any comments about them that i need to know. Watched a couple videos online and learned that you need to or can soak the tips to make them softer.
Used them to hitlight the rivits on the sides, and some fresher rust inside the hopper car.
I’ve used water color pencils, mostly for weathering structures.
Various grays were employed to adjust colors of boards on this depot, and to reflect weathered wood showing through the white trim.
Pencil weathering added to the effects from acrylics on these buildings, and helped with weathering on the window castings.
I’ve also found them useful on flat car decks.
Seldom will I use the pencils by themselves. I mostly combine them with other weathering methods. They’re good for reaching into small areas where it’s more difficult to control a brush.