tsunami & loksound sync conflict ?

The other day I replied to a post on speed matching these two decoders and had mentioned the only problem Ive had was syncing the sound units if consisted with SAME address …for one the tsunami turns on w/speed step 1 and the locsound turns on bye pressing function 8 easy enough when mu’ed

So I again decided to give this consist the same address since it is a Abba FT set containing 1 A w/tsunami and 1 A w/locsound … and again the problem shows its head, the function 8 on tsunami turns OFF or mutes the sounds and the opposite is function 8 turns ON the locsound so turning on one turns off the other …

the locsound does not seam to have a way to turn sounds on with out using function 8 (that I know of) ,any one know ? or should I remove function 8 mute in the Tsunami mapping ? or I could go back to separate addresses but then the horns and bell is directional meaning tsunami A going forward tsunami only horn/bell and locsound A going forward locsound only horn/bell all other sounds are unaffected by consist or is that proto typical for ONLY the lead loco horns/bell to sound ?

man that was confusing just typing,hope it makes since on your end …Jerry

On the prototype, the engineer would be in the lead loco. Since the horn and bell are controlled by the engineer, only that loco would have them work. So yes on the model, the lead loco should only have the bell and horn work. Joe

thanks Joe, Now that does make since, I will go back to separate address for AB sets and consist to ABBA thru mu’ing [swg] …

still though kinda wish sound decoders used/offered the same start-up procedures, of all I think I like the speed step 1 startup then the address startup and I don’t like function 8 startup and hate power-to-rail startup, nothing worse that turning the power on and a dozen prime mover firing up at the same time[:S]…Jerry

Solution: standardize on one kind of sound decoder

I’ve standardized on TCS for all my non-sound, Loksound for sound. Soon as I get around to it, the one Tsunami I have will be removed and repalced - or maybe I’ll just pick up another Bowser power chassis, this time with Loksound, and sell the Tsunami one.



What version of Loksound decoder is it? The Select and V4 can be configured to have the sound on at power up. On the Select set CV32 to = 2 and then CV403 =32. This will power up the sound at start up. I believe it is the same for V4 too but not sure.


randy , still considering a trade as this is a newer sound chassie from bowser/loksound its a FT a unit BUT still not sure cause I like mixing the sounds in a concist…

Pete , thanks I well check in to that …Jerry


The CV changes I posted should do the trick for you. Bowser is using a form of Select decoder in their new locos. Just make sure you do the CV32 index first. I have all my Loksound decoder power up because the old CVP for Lenz throttles that my former club used only had F0 through F4.
