Turboliners in NY

Are they still using the Turboliners in NY form NY city to Albany along the hudson. I know they were all repainted and renuberd and all that stuff for high speed service, but do they still use them?

Last I heard of them they were tangled in a rather messy bunch of legal actions involving the State of New York and Amtrak… and you know what happens when lawyers get their hands on things…

According to several reports, I think including Trains, they have been taken to long term storage in Deleware.

State of New York not pleased and may be involved in legal action over this but I can’t recall that aspect.


They have been take to Deleware for long term storage. Not certain if the State of New York has sought legal action in that regard.

Both the State of New York and Amtrak are suing over this program. NYSDOT Chairman Joe Boardman has gone as far as to publicly suggest that Amtrak may no longer be welcome in New York State and that NY has experience operating passenger trains and may decide to assume operations in NY.