Turning off renewal notice

Hello All

Is there any way to turn off the special offer subscription renewal pop-up when entering the forums?

It’s been over 9 months now that I have to click to close it even though I renewed my subscription in November. It’s very annoying.


I feel the same way. There is already a lot of adverising on this forum and the added pop up is quite annoying, and superfluous in my opinion.

Check, whether your browser has an ad- or pop-up blocker.

I am not really annoyed by this ad. It is the price we have to pay for this forum, which our host Kalmbach offers us for free.

Firefox with AdBlocker will put an end to it.

Yeah but the problem is I am a subscriber with 6 months left. The ad was showing a week after re-subscribing. There should be a way to turn it off. I guess I’ll have to do the ad blocker as noted.

Is it really the price we have to pay for this forum? Maybe the forum is free, but kalmbach cannot be hurting, there are ads all over the web site. The fact that Kalmbach provides this forum is as much for its benefit as it is for ours. The constant pop-up is fricking annoying. Kalmbach, please end it !

Just one more reason Firefox is the bomb!

There are only 2 reasons Internet Explorer is on my Vista: It is literally"built-in" - and - a handful of company websites still program to I.E. as if M$'s proprietary-standards are the true open-source global-standards that Firefox actually codes to. True to form, my Vista/I.E., is now starting to play some games with the ActiveX Control (Adobe Flash Plug-In), but again, flash simply works under Firefox.

P.S.: I don’t see those constant forum pop-up ads with Firefox.