Hi, I have on hand now 6 Atlas Custom Line #4 Code 100 turnouts and 6 Caboose Industries 202S Ground Throws. I am building on 1 1/2" foam using code 100 Atlas flex track and have found that Elmers wood glue is useful for bonding the track to the foam, but I am not sure of the best way to mount the ground throws to the foam and to connect the linkage on the throw to the turnout.
Also, in some of the tighter areas I have a problem with space for the ground throws. Is there a way to control these turnouts from the “wrong side” by lengthening the throw bar on the turnout, or something like that?
I am sure someone has wrestled with these problems before and has the answers I need. I will be watching for any suggestions. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.
I would glue a small square piece of Basswood, or something similar, to the foam.
Then you could use real small screws to secure the ground throw to the wood.
I have mounted Caboose Ind. ground throws on either side of the switch, depending on the space. You might have to drill a hole on one side of the throw bar is all.
I love Caboose Ind. ground throws and right now I really miss them. I’ve used them for over 20 years and I feel lost without them.
Right now I’m using Kato Unitrack in N-Scale and have only 4 turnouts and they are all remote controlled. But if I ever build a larger layout I’ll go back to CI ground throws.
Good luck,
You can use cork roadbed under the Caboose Industries ground throws. Glue the cork roadbed to the foam with the Elmer’s glue that you used for the turnout, and some double-sided white foam tape to glue the ground throw to the cork. Double-sided foam tape sticks better if it is warm, by the way. If you try to stick something with it when it is cold, it won’t stick very well. For connecting Caboose Industries ground throws to Atlas turnouts, you may need to cut off the end of the Atlas throw bar and drill a hole for the ground throw’s pin.
Easiest way to do it is to get some .025 music/piano wire and make your own linkage. The NMRA website has a great page in its beginners section that explains how to do this: http://www.nmra.org/beginner/ground_throw.html
Another option for the manual control of turnouts is the switches from www.humpyard.com They can be mounted in remote locations on the facia and have a flexible wire that you can route up to those hard to get to locations. Also because the control is on the facia, you do not have to reach into or over a yard to throw the turnout control. So you limit the posssible damage and derailments from hitting cars on the layout.