Turntable question

The Walthers 90’ turntable due out at the end of March is N scale.

Only the 130’ turntable is HO scale.

The older 90’ turntable is HO scale, but it is not indexed and does not hold a candle, mechanically, to the 130’ indexed version.

If you model N scale, the upcoming 90’ turntable is indexed and should perform comparably to the 130’ HO scale version which operates superbly.

The Walthers 90’ turntable due out at the end of March is N scale.

Only the 130’ turntable is HO scale.

The older 90’ turntable is HO scale, but it is not indexed and does not hold a candle, mechanically, to the 130’ indexed version.

If you model N scale, the upcoming 90’ turntable is indexed and should perform comparably to the 130’ HO scale version which operates superbly.

I have two Flieshman turn tables, bought one in the U.S. and the other one in Germany, both in the early '80s. they worked beautiful for a while, however, in less than a year the control switch quit on both of them and the motor burned up on one. I have spoken with other people that have the Flieshmans and they have the same problem.
I haven’t been able to find replacemant parts or anyone who can fix them, so for over 20 years I have had two beautiful turn tables that are MANUAL and a pain to use so the just sit on the yard looking pretty.

i’m just going by this …

edit: i just did a search for N scale turntables and walthers doeesn’t even list a 90’ model