With all I learned from my first post on turntables, I find that what I need isn’t available. I need, HO, automatic indexing, RTR, and 80-90’.
Is there such an animal?
With all I learned from my first post on turntables, I find that what I need isn’t available. I need, HO, automatic indexing, RTR, and 80-90’.
Is there such an animal?
Probably the closest you’ll come will be a marriage between the Atlas turntable (too short) and a longer bridge superimposed on top. The bridge should preferably be a deck girder type, but through girder is also possible. You’ll have to put it in a not-unreasonable looking pit and do something to cover the Atlas plank deck - and then hope that your visitors will be too interested in watching the locomotive turn to notice that the entire pit floor is turning with it.
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)
I thought something like this could be added to most TT’s for indexing?
The Walthers 90’ RTR indexed TT is available(about $300 MSRP). I have seen them for $200-240 at several on-line retailers. The old Walthers 90’ TT ‘kit’ is really bad, and I suspect this is what you were looking at.