Turtle Creek Central Auto Carriers

Last summer I found my Turtle Creek Central Decals and applied them to some repainted Life Like 50’ Auto Carriers. Even the people of Turtle Creek need some new cars from time to time. I installed body mounted Kadees and 36" metal wheels. The cars run great, look good and get a few smiles when people read the logo. Started out painting just two of the four such cars I had but by the end of the weekend all four cars were repainted. I run these cars more now than I ever did when the were painted in the ATSF red / TTX yellow scheme. Anyone else use theirs? Please provide pictures.

John R

Thanks Model Railroader Magazine and Jim Kelly, MRR article author.

EmpireStateJR: I painted a 40 foot boxcar yellow and applied the Turtle Creek Central decals. Sorry I do not have a pix in my collection.

I did just a plain old TCC boxcar

Sorry , no pictures , but I did a box car in HO and an identical one i N, they are cool