Twist-type grid clamps

Does anybody know where I can find twist-type grid clamps for use on suspended ceiling grids? The article in 2003 August Model Railroader, page 74 and 75 by Mel Norwood , is where I discovered these clamps. I live in the Kansas City area.

Mr. Katy

I’d start at either Home Depot or Lowe’s.

Edit: okay, maybe that was a too quick and automatic response. I’ve taken a look at the Home Depot website and can’t find that kind of stuff (of course, maybe I just can’t navigate their site).

You could always try looking in the yellow pages for contractors that install that type of ceiling and seeing if you could score some clamps from them, or at least get a line on a local supplier.



I have found a source for the twist-type grid clamps for use on suspended ceiling grids.
The 2-in stud type for use on 1x 2 or 2x2 lumber can be found at Bernie Electric Wholesale, Inc. , 2316 South 5th St. , Kansas City, Kansas 66103. Phone-913-236-6911, Fax 913-236-8524. Part # BLBA41632 , Description: B-Line BA-4-16-32 2-IN Twist
These clamps keep you from drilling holes in the suspended ceiling grid. Mr. Katy