two scratchbuilt HO structures

. You might hafta look close, but I think you will find chutes and ladders in both of these HO structures I scratch built.

Great work.

Yes, scratch building is fun !


Great Work!

Very nice job, Kyle, and the models do look like they belong in the scenes, rather than just having been plopped down there, as one too often sees.

If I might, a small suggestion re the sand and gravel plant’s over-the-tracks loading facility. By the degree of rust weathering evident on that structure, it’s obviously supposed to have been in place for quite some time. That being so, the areas of the building situated directly over the tracks would tend to show some evidence of soot staining from the diesel locomotives repeatedly passing beneath. Likewise, one would expect more indications of product dust, especially on the girder work supporting the loading structure, particularly nearest the loading chutes (maybe it’s already there, but isn’t obvious in the photo?). Either touch could easily be added in place using lightly brushed on colored chalks.

Regardless, a good and highly realistic looking build.


You need to go to, your scratch building will be appreciated there, nice work by the way!

?Future MMR?