I am adding Tortoise switch machines under my peninsula. Can I have two DPDT for each? I would like to be able to throw the switch from either sides.
!(http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv85/rclanger/NPBL 2008 The Beginning/NPBL-Buildings.jpg)
Here is my railroad room and track plan. There are plug-ins for the DCC throttles on both sides and I would like to be able to throw the switches from either side.
Thanks in advance,
However, if they are not center off momentary types, you will need to wire the power in to one switch, then the output of that switch to the input of the next switch, then the output of that switch to the tortoise.
Sure - Without going into fancy electronic circuits, you can do the following:
I nearly went into cardiac arrest looking at those diagrams. LOL But, then, I am an admitted electronic illiterate.
Yes, you can operate a Tortoise from more than one location with multiple DPDT switches.
At the moment, I am sitting with my cat on my lap and my laptop computer on my knees, try to visualize that. When she gets off me, I will go look up my simplified Diagram for Idiots drawing and post it here.
the tortoise uses polarity reversal, one dpdt switch does it you just do another switch dpdt reversal in series.
Tortoises are low power slow speed and can de continuously powered holding the turnout position.
But the switches position will be meaningless to the turnout position, so some lighted indication would help.
but some trickery will get around that, you could have a defeat switch that toggles between either switch.
Pushbutton and doing some hold/breaking circuits with relays is the alternative.
In a single DPDT setup, an X pattern would be formed by wiring from the top left to the bottom right contacts on the DPDT, and another wire from the top right to the bottom left contacts on the DPDT. The top two contacts are also wired to the DC power source and the center two contacts are wired to the Tortoise.
In a two DPDT setup, to control the operation of the Tortoise from two different locations, the X pattern on each DPDT remains the same. The center contacts of one Tortoise are still wired to the Tortoise. On the DPDT that is wired to the Tortoise, the top two contacts are wired to the center contacts of the second DPDT and the top two contacts of the second DPDT are wired to the DC power source.
Hope that makes sense.