Prognosticate, if you will, a (model railroading) resolution for this upcoming year.

Me? I’m going to work on my novel but model railroading wise my resolution for 2010 is to get body mounted Kadee/Micro-Trains couplers on all my rolling stock.

May 2010 be your greatest model railroading year ever.


I have a couple. First and foremost, spend more time modeling and less time watching TV and being on the computer. I have plenty of projects without having my layout yet

Second, as soon as the layout room is finsihed off, get busy on the layout!


1: FINALLY finish the Buttes!

2: Work on some unfinished scenery around the Deer Creek viaduct.

3: Stop buying locomotives (yah, RIGHT! [:-^])

4: Stop talking about that big yard on the other side of the garage and actually start putting it in!

5: Keep planting the Tahoe National Forest.

Tom [:P]

Yup, I know the feeling !!!


A resolution. That could be hard - sooo many possiblities.

I resolve to spend less time on the website and use that time for working on my trains.

I figure I’ve spent over 10,000 hours here. No wonder nothing else is getting done. Sorry folks If I follow through perhaps you will have to do without my sage advice.

Oh yeah sure—remind me of a couple of comments I made about not buying any more locomotoves. Of course after I said these things what did I do? Buy about 6 more[:P][:-^]

Mine now—get Ansun Yard finished

Get some modelling done----he says this while doing up another elevator while at the 'pooter[X-)]

Generally do what one is going to do----once they get a round tuit[swg]

  1. Continue working on my layout, and hopefully finish most of the secinery by the begining of 2011.

  2. It’s Time…(this one needs explaining)

In the past I’ve mainly focused on my locomotives, and for now that’s fine (I don’t have alot of room to run rolling stock anyways). But in the future when I build a bigger layout or join a modular club, I am going to have a shortage of good quaility rolling stock. When I was younger I had a habit of going to train shows and buying Bachmann standard line rolling stock for $1 or $2 a car. This worked great, It allowed me to build up a large fleet of cheap, poor running rolling stock[sigh]. Now I have over 120 cars, most of which are equipped with hook-horn couplers, plastic wheel, and are completely identical (all 20 of my Swift’s reefers are #4244, Ect.). After a while I discovered that rolling stock equipped with Kadee couplers and metal wheels work ALOT better.

That said, my biggest MRR resolution for the new year is to give my rolling stock fleet an overhaul. By this I mean replace the cars that aren’t worth upgrading (replace the Bachmanns with Walthers, Atlas, Ect.) and upgrade the cars that are worth upgrading (Like my roundhouse high-cubes that alreadly have KD’s, but still need metal wheels).

I’ve had trouble doing this in the past because I spend the money on locomotives instead. But this year I Really want/need to do this!!!

Good luck in completeing your resolutions and HAPPY NEW YEAR,


  1. Get all of my cars to have Kadees, Metal Wheels, and correct NMRA weight.

  2. get decoders for all of my engines.

  3. Keep workbench cleaned.

  4. get one more GP9

First of all, referring to the coming year as TWO THOUSAND TEN or 2010 is so 20th century. According to the geekspeak of the new millenium, the new year will be 2K10.[swg]

My resolutions for 2K10 are as follows:

  1. Resist the urge to correct people about trivial matters.

  2. Complete the scenery along my south wall, which will connect the scenicked east and west walls and leave only the north wall, where my large urban scene will be, undeveloped. Since MR is a cold weather hobby for me, I think I will have about 3 months to accomplish this.

  3. Get a head start on the urban scene before golf season arrives, which puts MR on the back burner for about 6 months.

  4. Come fall, complete my large urban passenger station before 2K11.

For 2010, stud and drywall the basement, paint the walls, ceiling and floor, and get the first section of bench work up.



If all goes well with my new job I start in a couple weeks, I will move from armchair modeling to actualy starting my layout. The road modeled is still up in the air as of yet, so for awhile it will just be a basic around the wall single track mainline with passing siding. Better lighting in that room and repaint/refloor the room from shag carpet to either a tight weave carpet or hardwood. Here is to a better year for all in 2010!!! Mike and Michele T

My main goals are MR related. I am going to finish college and find a better job (so I can afford more MR stuff).

As far as MR goals.

I need to complete a structure kit that has been half built since August. I am going to install ditch lights in some of my locos.

I need to acquire more locos. Oh, wait. Make that need a want.[(-D]

I finished the last major scenery projects about a year ago. 2009 has been largely filling in small gaps and tweaking things. Now, though, I’ve got the benchwork in for the extension to my layout, so it’s time to open up the throttle once again.

Oh, and less beer, and salads instead of that side of fries. Nothing drastic, but I’d like to lose a bit of weight. And I can think more clearly to work on wiring and track laying, too. Besides, the guys on Tuesday night say my goaltending has really improved over the last few weeks.

Find a better job so I can keep the house! My company was a good to work for, paid fairly. 2 years later doing the same thing I made $25,000.00 less than 2007?

Cuda Ken


my MRR projects are:

  1. Fine tune the rolling stock[:P]

  2. Plant trees on the layout[^]

  3. Do some more wiring[tup]

  4. Create a block system c/w with train detection system to enable reliable multi train running in DC[^]

5, Finish the detailing on the layout[%-)]

  1. Resist the temptation to increase the helix to enable above door frame running. (There is a lot of empty unused potential modeling space above the door frames)[;)]

  2. Figure out a solution for the Con-Cor cars from uncoupling themselves all the time without changing the couplers[banghead]


2010 will be my narrow gauge year.

Working with a few H0n3 modules, Silver Creek, Fiddletown and Loop.


Model Railroad wise I want to scale back my involvement with the club I belong to and spend more time going to NMRA clinics, meetings and conventions. I just started to work on my MMR so I figure I need at least 5 to 7 solid years to aquire the certificates I need.

On a personal level I really need to get in better shape and maybe switch to light beer.[sigh]

What you said!!! And I starting with my Athern…got my scale out …got my bag of Kadees…Huh,wonder what’s hot on the MR forum…I’ll just take a quick look and get right back to this rivit counting.

I tried that once. I found myself drinking twice as much light beer, because the stuff wasn’t very satisfying. Now, I keep a case of Harpoon IPA around. I can open one of those and slowly sip and enjoy it, where I would have 2 or 3 Buds or 4 or 5 Bud Lights.

I’m afraid that the most likely solution is to change the couplers. I’ve got some Rivarossi coaches that are doing that, and it’s time to get rid of the McAccuTrash couplers and replace them with Kadees.

I Will Finish The Layout This Year! Check back with me in “2k11” to see if I have.

I will take a more active roll in the OT&W Model Railroad Club.

I will solve the electrical problems.

I shall “decode” (install a decoder) my Shay.

I shall upgrade my rolling stock.

I will keep a project log for future reference. (See Mid-sized and Manageable Track plans by Iain Rice)

I will continue building scenery.

I will start operations on my Model Railroad.

I want to join an operating group of other Model Railroads.

And Most Important!

I will help my Boy Scout Troop earn the Railroading Merit Badge in association with the OT&W Model Railroad Club. (Chuckles. Why, because we need to rebuild our museum layout, so this is Free Labor!) Happy New Year!