Type of wood (modular)?

Over the years, I have built and re-built numerous layouts and have always used scraps of “salvaged” wood from dumps and construction sites. All of the layouts have been “permanent” structures.

I am planning a new project. It will be made of modular units for easy assembly and unassembly. The “O” gauge track will rest on Homasote over plywood.

Here is the question. The wood for this project will be “purchased” new. The modules will be @ 3’ x 4’ and the layout base will be supported by a picture-like frame. (I hope I am clear) What type of wood would you suggest that I ask for and what size? (The legs are not a question, just the support frame.)

As always, many thanks.

The main thing you want is structural stability, that is, something that won’t warp over time. Easier said than done as wood that appears laser straight at the lumber rack may bend as it dries.

If cost is no object, having 3/4" birch ply ripped to 4" wide strips, is a pretty safe bet. The only downside there is that 3/4" plywood is HEAVY.

Since you are looking at shorter lengths you might want to look into the Sievers brand of bench work. Although not cheap, it is a good value. I’ve found it is very stable over time.

The other option is to go with select grade 1x4’s. I’ve found the ‘Black Label’ brand at Home Depot to be fairly good.

Lance Mindheim

Visit Miami’s Downtown Spur at www.lancemindheim.com

Lance: Thanks for your input.