
Designing a small prtable layout and trying to plan for uncoupling at 2 sidings. Traditional operation and traditional couplers.

Can you uncouple on a curve? Can you make a curved uncoupling track?

After you uncouple, can you push a car back into a siding, or can you only uncouple and move forward?

Any advice on uncoupling would help.

You can uncouple on a curve; but it’s pretty much impossible to re-couple there.

Shoving a car with both couplers open will almost certainly re-couple. I have installed a turnout with a very short track and a bumper in my yard lead, with an uncoupler between that turnout and the yard throat. I can uncouple there, then pull away from the yard, then back into that short siding, close the coupler against the bumper, then get back onto the yard lead and shove the uncoupled car into the yard.

Also, if possible, change the elevation so the yard slopes down hill. This would be like a “hump” yard. When you uncouple, the cars will roll down the hill and stack. Did this on a former layout. Push in, uncouple, pull out and car[s] rolled down to bumper.

I find that if you play with the speed you can usually push a car without it coupling.Don’t forget an uncoupling track on the mainline so you can uncouple your caboose before switching.


Yes, I am assuming one uncoupler on the main line near each siding, and one uncoupler on each siding.

If anyone has any other suggestions as to location, let me know.