
I’ve seen David Popp and Jenny Maaske doing switching in MR Videos on the Beer Line and the Winston-Salem. David used a sharp pencil or plastic pick to uncouple the cars, utilizing a twist motion. I’m sure everyone but me knows this, but whats are the technique specifics? Clockwise spin, counter-clockwise spin… on the couple or the lead car, or trailing car? Or does any of this make any difference at all?

Hi, Jeff,

Read all about it here:


For my couplers, I have removed all the trip pins. I use a rather large upholstery needle with the “eye” ground down and the sharp end chucked in a pin vice.

Kind of looks like a tuning fork. It is easy for me to work this between the knuckles for a “clean cut”, as in cutting cars.

Kadee makes a skewer tool and as you will read in the linked thread, lots of folks have developed lots of various solutions.

Hope that helps,

Regards, Ed

Try this link. Still practicing at doing this.


Ed beat me to it! [(-D] His works better, as mine jumps to the middle of the conversation.


I have tried both the dual magnet uncoupling method and the Kadee between the rail magnets. I have the kadee uncoupler and spring installer tool, but I can never find it. I finally settled on bamboo skewers. For $2.99 I bought enough to build a trestle bridge and to last a lifetime of uncoupling.

For me there is no twist motion … just insert the sharp end between the two knuckle tips … and keep going as the thickness of the sewer pulls them apart. Once they are, push 1/4” horizonally along the rail to separate the cars so when you pull the skewer up and the couplers spring back to the center, they don’t catch on each other.

I did find it easier to cut them to about 8” length and sand off the sharp part of the tip so it doesn’t stab you when you stow it in your pocket.


Sharp end of a bamboo kabob skewer, insert tip between couplers, twist clockwise a half turn, and the couplers should separate. Works about 85% for me, but if not, a second attempt almost always works. Never tried anti-clockwise, but it might be an improvement. Must remember…

With today’s highly detailed fragile cars and locomotives its Kadee between the rail magnets for me…