Under Bed Rollout Layout ?

I seem to recall that CTT did an article, how to, on them but I can’t remember when and had no luck doing an article search. Jog your memory banks please.

One of the neighbor kids is a real train nut and I was going to suggest one of these to his parents. He has a few Marx pieces, inherited from his grampa, that he brings over every once in a while and runs on the grandson’s Thomas layout.

I had built a small HO layout for under the bed some years ago. I had used a 1/2" 4X8 plywood reinforced with 2X4’s to stiffen it up and used 6 of those “ball” type casters and had great results.

I believe it lasted 3-4 years before we moved and he didn’t play with it anymore.

Here’s a layout I have in my guest bedroom. It is on a plywood board which just fits between the arms of a futon. When someone needs to use the guest room, I remove the trains and most of the scenery, then slide the board underneath the futon.



[tup], thanks Bob K. It was the November 03 issue.