Under construction (pics)

Good evening all, I hope you all survived your Monday OK.
Been slow here today so I worked on my HO RR all day. Here is what I got accomplished:

Hope you like it, I made it from scratch using basswood from Hobby Lobby, The glue isn’t even dry yet.
The kicker is that I don’t have a place on my layout for it. I would like to make a scene using some concrete trucks pouring a driveway, and lots of workers doing everything from concrete work, framing, roofing, and everything in between. And I cannot forget some loafers.
I would like to have your opinions whether be good bad or just for the heck of it. Mike

I really like the tar-paper. Great touch.

When I saw the first shot, I thought, “Gee, that looks familiar. Isn’t that the road to the Scoot A Boot?” Sure enough, I blew the picture up and there it was.

If you can’t find any construction workers, well, you can say it was the same bunch of deadbeats that built my garage and train room. They were absent far more often than present, and I ended up having to fire them. (Because shooting them would have been illegal in Massachusetts, and, after all, they were very good at not being seen.)

I personally like the idea Mike. I have a building under demolition and people seem to like it alot. I even put in a few loafers as well. wouldnt be a construction or demolition site without them. Looking good Dave

As a retired carpenter: 1. Walls & roof appear to be framed with 4x6, should be 2x4 or 6 for walls & 2x8 or better for roof trusses. 2. The sheathing looks like Celotex (something used in to 50’s & 60’s) outside but plywood inside.

As a model railroader: Great job, most people will never look at the technical side of it!

Ivanhen, You see what I see. the lumber in HO scale is about a 4’’ X 8’‘. the walls are on about 24’‘centers and the roof trusses are on about 40’’ centers.
It is good to here from a fellow carpenter. Mike

Who cares? Looks great to me!

So sell the house to yoru Ho people for more because of extra strenght. It could probably outlast a hurricane. That would pull in at least another $100,000 HO scale money.[:D]


Great Job !

Since you don’t have a place for it and it doesn’t seem to fit the lot it’s on why not slip a few sets of dolly wheels under it and find a Kenworth to pull it down the road . A police escort would be cool

Nice job Mike!
All you need to do now is run the wiring and plumbing LOL!

Looks nice!

I strongly recommend adding a little Jimmy Carter figure wearing a Habitat For Humanity cap :slight_smile:

You got a site with other pics of your layout?