Under Twenty Crowd

It would seen to me that this forum has been undermined by the Under Twenty Crowd, not that that is a bad thing.

Can anyone here remember being under twenty?

I am so old that we used to have freight cars with square wheels!! Just kidding–but this hobby needs all the young’ns it can get!! It’s good to see younger folks interested in the hobby!

I can remember being under twenty because I still am! [;)][;)][;)]

My children will assure you that I have never been under twenty.

i’m not sure if we will have many with dave9999 going at it.

Now, wait a second. You said your last post was going to be the one on the other thread at 18:09, but here you are at 18:33 still posting.

What’s up with that?

I’m under 20. (15 now) lol :slight_smile:

Will you nock that off

geez. does every single thread on the boards have to have something about someone leaving. just confine it to one thread so the rest of the page can be filled with valuable information.

i can remember being under twenty as well, i’m only 17.

i wish i could stay this age for ever, well at least be 18, get to do a few more things.

Under 20? I remember it well! My wife will tell you I still think I am…
I could go to the gas station and fill it up for less than $10 and spend the day chasing trains. When I was younger than that, I can remember going down by the tracks to watch trains (no fear of being kidnapped or whatever). Might run into some of the guys from the Erie Lackawanna section gang and talk trains with them. They’d give you an apple and you could eat it (didn’t have to worry if they poisoned it, stick a needle in it, etc). Then if I was really lucky, I’d be there when the local freight was switching cars into the different sidings. That was a treat- A great bunch of guys, those train crews.
I laugh every time there I think about the time there were three of us looking for date nails to pull out of ties- I collected them, they were helping me! Wonder what the bosses would have thought about that? And once I got to ride in the cab of a U25 for about 5 minutes, but I remember it like it was yesterday!
It’s too bad railroading isn’t still like that- now it’s a “Transportation System”, looks the same but operates totally different.

I was under 20 not too long ago. I took alot of crap during high school, but its gotten a little better.

not to many of my friends know about my hobby. i don’t want them to know either. there are probably 4-5 people that know i’m into MRR.

the person that got me started said that back when he was in school he got picked on so bad that he just boxed everything up because he got picked on so bad.

i have 2 years left of HS and i hope nobody finds out unless i tell them.

Thats right. Don’t tell anyone. And I hope the people who do know you’re a railroader are close friends you can trust.

The more ghetto your high school is, the worse it is to be a model railroader. [B)][B)][B)][:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!]

WELCOME UNDER TWENTY CROWD!- High school hard, been out 15 yrs. I just returned to this hobby in the past two years and my friends in their 30’s look at me like I’m a lepper or something?

Under Twenty advice for the day- If I had all the money I blew on booze and girls I’d COULDBE RETIRED and playing with trains all day!

thats what my mom said today. i spent $47 at the hobby shop. she was like that is what enough to buy 2 cases of beer. i was like if i’m lucky i can squeez in a 3rd. i’ve only touched alcohol once. she was like you can be doing a lot worse than spending it on trains. i was like ya, booze lasts a night, trains last a life time.

my school isn’t to ghetto. i mean we have our thugs or street kids. but the people that know are pretty close. one is the son of the guy who got me started, one is a friend that i accidently told. she doesn’t mind it, i don’t think. one found out by over hearing a conversation i had, come to find out his dad is into it. then there are few that have an idea but just won’t say or ask anything.


I’m only 19, but I can say that Ive been involved with the hobby for over a decade (wow). Many people have found it odd that I’m interested in trains, but also many people consider my interest “cool.” Since Ive entered college, Ive been more open about my involvement in model railroading, I even gave a speeh on it last semester for my speech class. I just wish I had more time for modeling, (need time for classes, homework, friends, etc). I usually work on something once every week or two, but Im glad that I am remaining active on the hobby.

Josh Ziegler
Spokane, WA

im 16 and been in with model trains for about fiveish years, but before that i could take the hours of the day up with Brio. Remember those? Oddly enough the wheels of brio will straddle HO track. I still have my brio and a to of Ertl Thomas the Tank engine stuff. i realy want to get the HO Thomas the tank train. its kinda depressing me that for us kids in highschool how much of a closet hobby model railroading is. infact, i dont know any other kids my age in town that have trains. i wish i did. if anyone on the board is under 20 and lives near New Haven, give a shout - it might be fun to check out eachothers layouts

A funny thing happened when I was 17. They abolished the draft, gave 18 year olds the right to vote, and then lowered the drinking age to 18. I don’t remember much after that!

I was a teenager after they raised the drinking age to 21 and we were constantly worried that Ronnie McReagan would reinstate the draft…It was mostly horrible but stuff like D&D, model railroads and loud music kept me sane!

I’m 17 now, so I can remember my younger years very well! It’s really good to see that there’s so many other people my age on here. We’re the future of this hobby. I was at the Calgary model train show this weekend and there were some members of the under-20 crowd there exhibiting, so young people in the hobby aren’t quite as rare as some may think.