union pacific SD90 mac

I will be spending a lot of time along the wheeling and lake erie railroad this labor day weekend thay have a neat mix of power hope to catch the pure 90MAC,s I think they have about 4 or 5 of the brutes I think i am going to do 24 hours thier and the D&RGW power they have will make this an awesome trip all my time will be spent in spencerOh by the way i will ON SHEET everything.

N.S just recieved 6 former U.P. sd 90,s that are’ accordind to the rumor mill, are to be repaired and join the 15 unit sd-80 mac fleet operating out of South fork pa,25 miles west of Altoona.The locos are currently in temp. storage west of The Juniata repair shop

Are these H macs or 9043s?

I just checked thediesleshop. All numbrs from 8863 through through 8951 are vacant. It looks like the last of the SD90MACs are off the roster.

I believe that all of W&LE’s SD90MAC’s are in storage at Brewster, and that’s not a railfan-friendly place. I don’t recommend trying to get onto, or near, the yard. I have not seen any of the 90’s on W&LE for a couple of years. W&LE had big problems and took them completely out of service. At one time the leasing company was paying W&LE to store them, but I don’t know if that’s still true.

The Juniata Shops are going to convert the units into something mechanically similar to a SD70ACe. When they are finished the units will be shipped to Fortescue Minerals in the Pilbara region of NW Australia. Emissions are not a problem so they probably are saving some money, whether it will be a worthwhile savings remains to be seen.

The true 6000 horsepower SD90MACs are no longer in service on the Union Pacific.

Here’s a pair of them from October of 1998 when they were the big dogs on the mainline.


These locos were both cut up at Metro East Industries in East St. Louis, IL.


mact: Murphy Siding asked about the GE AC6000:

Tis link has info on those particular engines and status: http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/GE_AC6000CW

AS to EMD’s SD90MAC’s : http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/EMD_SD90MAC

Here is linked a thread from a couple of years ago on this FORUM referencing what happened with the B&P RR’s SD 90MACS what were to be used on their coal trains:


Hope this answers some of your questions.[8-|]