I bought some boxcars at an action and would like to know their history. The cars have 3-rail compatable metal trucks and coupler but they look different than the current brands that I know. They have a molded metal base with N.P.C. in a square box. The plastic shell is fastened to the base with 4 screws and has sliding doors with metal hangers.
I am not familiar with any 3-rail manufacturer with the initials NPC. The closest would be MPC (Model Products Corporation) which produced Lionel trains in the 1970’s. If you can provide more details on the cars, such as color roadnames and numbers, I may be able to provide additional information.
Tim Pignatari
They are not Lionel Cars, they are larger and better made than the old Lionel cars, and most of the new ones and the trucks and couplers are different. The one I have before me is Sentinel fast freight service of B&O painted on it and it also has an applied sticker that has B&O sentinel service on it.
hello wiley, the cars with the letters N.P.C. on bottom of metal of the cars you purchased.they are cars made by KUSAN/AMT/KMT from the 50’s and 60’s.hope this helps and if you want to sell them let me know the raodnames as i collect thoses types. thanks keith please e-mailme at www.texf7@aol.com to confirm this message.
If the Car is Kusan, I have some additional information from the “Greenberg’s Guide to Kusan Trains” - copywright 1987. If the car is marked "466096 under the Baltimore & Ohio it is a catalogue # 9003. It was manufacured under AMT and Kusan.
Since the guide is from 1987, the prices might be out of date.
The AMT version (large decal) $20 Good, $35 Exc
The Kusan version (small decal) $15 Good, $25 Exc
Tim Pignatari
It does have 466096 printed under the decal. Thanks very much for the info.
Wiley Smith