'Unstoppable' AWVR decals?

I really like Pike62’s model. As for commercially availible decal sets, It would be nice but I wouldn’t hold my breath waitin’ for `em. I just don’t see too many companies willing to pay the licensing fee or run the risk of a copyright infringement suit.

There is a set on the auction site right now to do 777 and 767

way cool

the auction site? I’m sorry, can you be more specific? maybe a link?

Why waste your time with a fantasy. Get the CSX decals for the locos actually used. If your layout is big enough, do a recreation of the actual event. I have a PDF document of what actually happened with a photo of the front of the chase loco and the three CSX workers who participated in the chase. You could try to see if your chase loco could slow the wayward freight to about 12 mph at the speed one of the tree CSX workers jumped on the lead loco to power it down.

Remember, the lead loco was running at full throttle and was on a down grade when the chase loco managed to slow it down before it went into a 25mph speed restriction for a curve in Kenton, OH.

The document is copyrighted so I cannot post it.

The story behind the fantasy.


Recreate the event.



“The Auction Site” generaly refers to Ebay. Links to ebay auctions are not permitted. Please keep in mind that this thread started 3 months ago and was recently resurected.


Hi, I was wondering if you are making extra decals to sell? I am looking to repaint my engine to match the 777 model. You did a fantastic job on yours. Thank you for your time. bike131@yahoo.com

I won the movie. I’ve watched in half a dozen times. Will most likely watch it now. Through all this I have missed where it says the full AWVR name. Glad someone said it.

There are a number of quibbles in the movie but I think the one that bugs me the most is constantly saying the chase engine is running “backwards” like its some big deal. Come on, its a train! The front is whatever end someone decides to put the little ‘F’ on. Technically, a diesel engine has two front ends. Or two rears, depending on how you look at it.

Hello pike-62,

I have two questions for you.

  1. I wanted to see if you made one of these “UNSTOPPABLE” trains in O Guage?

  2. If you did do you sell them?

I was one of the location managers on the movie and would love one for my train set.

I can be reached at JAMFILM@GMAIL.COM

Thanks for your time and have a great day.

Also, are any companies going to offer scale crossing gates that come down as the train crosses the road? [:D]

Can I purchase this locomotive? How?

POPPIE - Welcome to trains.com! [C):-)]

I am just getting back into Model Railroading after being away for many years. My son started a slight interest in it and he ask if the train from the movie Unstoppable was available. I searched and found your comments. Are you willing to make one N Scale with the sister unit? And If so how much? I believe this could be the spring board to get him motivated to build our layout together.

I want #777 for the plain and simple reason it is an awsome paint scheme and the movie was awsome (yes I know the true story) It would be nice t just have this engine with this paint scheme in my collection…only problem is I want an OFFICIAL product because while yes I intent to use it on my layout, eventually the collectors value would sky rocket as a collectors item…due to it being rare if ever produced…

Guys, I know the person who did the decals on these models. I run across him once in a while. Unfortunatly he is not seeing these messages as a while back he was kicked off of this forum. If I see him, I will mention that there are some people interested. I know he has done several of these units as well as the blue SD40 engines