I am curious to find out if anyone knows of an instance where UP Big
Boys pulled any passenger trains and also if any roamed outside the
Sherman Hill and the Wasatch area.
I read somewhere that they were cleared to operate all the way to
Los Angeles, but have not found out if they ever did. And if they
did, what route they would have used.
They would have followed the UP to Las vegas and over Cajon Pass where UP has trackage rights. I doubt they ever were seen in LA but never say never. If they were used in passenger service it probably woul;d have been on a fan trip but again never say never.
Big Boys usually stuck to the Cheyenne-Ogden route [Wyoming Division] because they were too big for the enginehouses, turntables, etc. elsewhere on UP. The engine service facilities had to be altered for them when they came into service in 1940-41.
Apparently they did occasionally work over to Pocatello via the first Subdivision of the Idaho Division. At Pocatello they were turned on a large wye. I also saw a picture of one on the Nebraska Division, labelled as a “rare visitor”.
Oops! forgot about Big Boys on passenger runs. A TRAINS article I saw a long time ago [1970s?] mentioned they were used to pull wartime troop trains, but never as regular passenger power. Sounds like they had the steam & signal lines installed so it’s plausible for excursion or as protection power.
The first and second series challengers were extensively used for passenger schedules.
UP DID send engine #9000 to LA for preservation, and its 4-12-2 wheelbase would have been a lot more of a headache to ATSF over Cajon pass that a Big Boy’s 4-8-8-4. wheelbase.
Big Boys were on call to operate to LA, but they never did. They were also never used as regular passenger power. One Big Boy did pull a troop train from Cheyenne to Laramie because the 4-8-2 pulling the train developed a hot bearing.
The BBs operating territory was from Green River to Omaha. Hope this helps.