My wife says Tuesday night on her way home from work she say what sounds from her description to be the UP Executive train coming into downtown St.Paul along the Mississippi River from the east. Unfortunately I didn’t see it so can’t confirm what she saw. Is anyone aware of any UP special trains etc.?? I could find nothing on the UP website.
The UP has been running an inspection train around part of the system for a little while, and I did see something about it coming up to the Twin Cities via Mankato (I think). It came up one day, spent the night in the Cities, and then departed again the next day back towards Iowa. I’m not on my home computer right now to look up all the details, but that’s what I remember.
There was a BNSF business train in Northtown over last weekend, could see it easily from the road. One of the coaches was named Atchison. Any one know anything about this. I did not see the UP one.
I have access to Steelroads Track & Trace at work. I have a list of UP business cars saved that I trace occasionally for cheap entertainment. There was a UP business train from Global 3 to Valley Park this past week. I came west thru Iowa & then up the Spine Line from Nevada IA to St Paul, then west to Valley Park near Shakopee. The next day it went back home to North Council Bluffs via Sioux City