UP MK1200G

Hello ,
I am looking for informations about the two UP MK1200G units. Where they went after their UP time , where are they today ? Or became rebuilt or scrapped ?
Roland Marx

My understanding is that both units were returned to their builder (Morrison-Knudsen/MPI) sometime in 1998.


I can’t find any discussion of whether the units still exist for resale, or were rebuilt into more conventional diesel-engined locomotives (e.g MK1500s), but I suspect the latter.

I think they’re still parked in Boise at Wabco.

A total of four MK1200G’s were built, the other two went to ATSF/BNSF. Are these still in service or did they also go back to Boise?

I think they may be in LA.

I can verify that at least one of the BNSF units was working in LA this summer – it’s in a couple of shots of an Amtrak Genesis locomotive, #58 I believe, that received a ‘skin’ advertising shot of a Toyota pickup truck.

All are now on the BNSF.

UP 1200-1201 were returned to Boise where they sat in storage for several years. They were reconditioned and sold to BNSF as 1202-1203. All are now assigned to the Los Angeles Junction Ry.

BNSF retired all four of its MK1200G’s (1200-1203) in September of 2012. Do no know what happend to them after retirement.

Ira Goldberg

Three of them went to SA Recycling (Adams) in Anaheim, where they were assessed for economical conversion to genset engines (they were constructed with large Caterpillar natural-gas engines, probably with much of the ‘fun’ that goes along with a 36xx in railroad applications). I doubt at the time there were technical ways to adapt LNG to small genset engines any more cost-effectively. Suspect the frames (GP9), trucks, and much of the electrical gear would work just fine as a rebuilding ‘core’ less the specialized cryo plumbing.

Apparently one of the engines (1200) survived much longer in Boise, perhaps even past the Wabtec decision to transfer most of the old Motive Power operation to Erie early this year.