UP N.Platte Yard Obs Tower Construction?

What is the latest on construction progress at the UP North Platte yard observation tower and museum project.?

Where are all the Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri railfans? Surely someone has been to North Platte Bailey Yard recently.

Someone must have been to North Platte NE recently. Any updates?

Was there about a month ago and no construction of new tower yet.

Thanks, Eric
sounds like there has been a delay in construction.

I went through there on my way to the UPHS convention in Grand Island two weeks ago. It’s still in the same shape it’s been in for afew years, the old platform and acouple of passenger cars painted up in UP Yellow and Gray. Nothing else.

But, if any of you get to North Platte I do recomend you going to Cody Park to see the railroad display there. They’ve repainted challenger #3977 into the two tone gray paint, and did one heck of a job too. It looks really nice! I think almost any UP fan would enjoy seeing that.

Does anyone have information on when the construction on the tower is to begin? I saw the press releases and drawings and I thought the project was to start by now.