UP OMAX Coal Train Derails.

An Eastbound OMAX Coal Train has De-railed in Omaha. Location is at 134th & C Street.

Update! Latest Photo’s show that only 5 cars where on the ground. 4 of them where on their sides and the 5th one has been completely crushed. The Main will be open later tonight. Allan.

ANy word on this will effect Amtrak 5 for tonight? And where did it happen? Sorry I am unfamiliar with Omaha.

No. The Coal Train in on the UP not the BNSF. Amtrak will not be affected.

heres a link to a video i found… http://www.ketv.com/video/5959134/index.html

Channel 7 news showes that an Eastbound Coal load was rolling by the Derailment on Main one. So the UP is running Trains. Allan.

I love that great footage of the officer moving a small traffic cone. It really sets the mood of a freight train derailment.


What irks me about news footage - the reporter always stands right in the center of what you want to see (much like weather reporters that stand right in the center of the map) and the footage is always of someone’s foot or the fire truck or the police car or the wheel of a truck. Something you don’t get to see all the time! Then 5 sec of the actual situation!