UP publishes 2012 sustainability report

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UP publishes 2012 sustainability report

What I would love to find out is how many greenie-weenie college educated pseudo-intellectuals who never worked a day at a real job, are on the payroll at UP. Of course this is the future. In order to keep the socialist government monkey off your back, you have to keep a herd of pseudo-intellectuals on the payrolls to write this garbage. Last time I checked, railroads were in the business of moving freight, not keeping a herd of mindless wonders feeling good about themselves. Odds are quite excellent the railroads was recycling and all that kind of stuff long before somebody had to waste money setting up a department to study how much was being recycled.

There’s a strong, positive link, I believe, between this type of report and a company’s annual and quarterly financial statements. Do other Class I’s and regionals publish such sustainability & citizenship reports? If not, they should - of their own volition. And thanks, UP for hiring our vets!


I suggest you read U.P.'s quarterly and annual reports in depth for the last two years, and I would like your comments on these reports of a first class well run raIroad.