UP & SP road slugs

back in 1994-1996 before the UPSP mishap i noticed both RR’s had road slugs
what ever happened to them i know SP had one near my home with some old cars with friction bearings in stead of roller there gone now but what did up do with the slugs they still have yd slugs[8D]

Is that a question? I don’t understand what your saying.


Central Oregon and Pacific ended up acquiring at least two of the SP road slugs.

It seems like I heard UP kept three. I seem to recall hearing of some being scrapped. SP did not have many.
Yard Slugs (called Slug by SP) 1010-1013
Road Slugs (called TEBU by SP) 1600-1613

The purpose of the TEBU’s (Tractive Effort Booster Unit) was to make 2 GP 40’s into 2 SD40 wannabe’s. Each TBEU was ,arried to 2 GP40’s with each GP powering the TEBU truck closest to it.

The SD-40-2 could outperform this lashup. It was discovered in hump operations that the slug must “lead” (not be coupled to the hump cut) for it to perform at its best. If not used that way, as Harry Truman said, they were as useful as***on a boar.