UP trains meet in Milwaukee, one car on the ground

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UP trains meet in Milwaukee, one car on the ground

Trains meet? A meet implies safe movements for both trains; this was anything but that.

UP seems to be having these “meets” on a regular basis. What’s up? It looks like UP needs to take a closer look at its signalling and dispatching.

Maybe the person that wrote the headline should write to " Ask Trains " to find out about train terminology.

Unless I am mistaken, the crushed car was a buffer car that did its job very well in this case. Can’t see what substance it might have been loaded with…?.

Two man crew, just like in Texarkana the other week, I’m sure. Those extra eyes are doing a good job.

Gary, not necessarily. How about cornfield meets back in the days of steam?

Not aware of all the details, but it would seem that the crew of the 2nd train was at fault. I am assuming that the 2nd train was traveling at restricted speed. When traveling at restricted speed, you need to be able to stop at 1/2 the distance of the danger ahead. Unfortunately, the much discussed PTC wouldn’t have been of much use: Congress seemed to overlook rear end collisions when they wrote the law.