Upcoming Dallas Train Show

also what show would be better to attend? dallas or ft worth

Well, after going to the website for the WGH show, I’m just about ready to drink the kool-aid and join in the festivities.

I guess if you had to pick between the two, the WGH show would probably win out over the Dallas show.

Though, the Dallas show is $2 cheaper a head to get in. [:D]

One thing about the Ft. Worth location though…there’s quite a bit of railfanning that can be done about a block to the east or north…hard to miss really.


what catches your eye at this WGH show? also pardon me for asking this but I haven’t followed the hobby in a while and am just now getting back into it after a 5 year break but what is railfanning?

I guess what caught my eye is that it appears they are going to have more national dealers and some manufacturers there. Also, they mentioned some hands-on things for people to do.

Oh, and that $9 to get in is good for both days.

Railfanning is when you sit or stand near the tracks and ohh and ahh at the 1:1 scale trains. [8D]

The hands on thing at the show sounds neat, hate to say it, but I haven’t actually run a train in years…[:slight_smile:]


I might go to both. Haven’t decided yet since they are two months apart from each other. Thankfully one is right here in Fayetteville this week at a jr high gym. while i know it will be tiny it’s 10 minutes from the condo :slight_smile:

I live in Richardson (just south of Plano) and have been to the show every year for the last 5+ years. I have always enjoyed it and the layout tours.

do you have pics of layouts from last year?

i too have been to the D/FW shows including plano. i was a member of a local sherman club that dsplays their layout at plano and 1 Ft Worth show.

local hobby shops Discount and some others wont have a booth at the great amercan shows.


tom in your opinion based on number of layouts and quality of the layouts what show has the better number? i’m not going to be buying anything since i’m a month or so away at least from even buying the door and supplies but wanted to go and see the layouts for ideas. thanks.

theres about the same number of layouts at all the shows. 1 club in the Ark-La-Tx region makes all the shows. this is a large HO modular layout and very well scenicked and detaled.
