Update HP: modelrailroad Black Forest in Germany

In connection to my serial about “SCENERY”, I visited during my holiday –especially for this website- the “Schwarzwaldmodellbahn” (=Black Forest modelrailroad) in Germany.

It concerns here the largest European modelrailroad according to the real example “The Black Forest-Railrod”.

Many pictures and also INFO in english.

Have a good trip and enjoy yourselves ! (Click on the pictures for 1024x768)

Danny Modeltram


That’s in incredible layout Danny. Ausgegeignet! Vielen dank fuer die Bilder usw.
(Many thanks for the the pictures etc.)

With that level of detail, did they explain why they didn’t use ballast? The rest was so good that I didn’t notice the uniformity under the track until the 7th photo.

Te helicoptor over the accident was a nice touch. Was it hung on monofilament? I want to do something similar with a bi-plane or two. (We have an aerodrome nearby and have flyovers suring nice weather).

Huge helix too. It looks like a LOT of effort went into that layout.

Thanks again,


Hi Karl,

I’m pleased you liked the layout as I did. Sorry, I cannot answer your questions because I do’nt know. What is a monofilament ?

Did you see their site itself ?


It is a pity their info is only in german. I made a remark abour that to them. More pictures people will find when they click on “Bilder” (pictures).



Hi again Danny,

Monofilament is a single strand “string” made of a plastic. I think that it used to be nylon but is now some other kind of plastic polymer. In any case, it’s very strong for it’s diameter and is nearly transparant so it can be hard to see - just the thing for hanging airplanes. We use a lot of it for fishing line.

Yes I just took a look at their web site. Luckily, I read German pretty well. Everyone needs a second language. Maybe they will listen to your suggestion and add some english captions.


[:)]Hi Karl,

Now I understand what “monofilament” means. This thread hardly could be seen. It looked very convincing. The helicopter hung in the air as for real.

I also hope they really do something with my remark. As to you the German language is no problem to me (my mother was german), but most of your country fellowmen overthere do not. Sometimes I think that the Germans (like the French) are a little bit to proud of their own language [V] in synchronizing everything f.e. TV.

Therefore most of the time I make a short translation on my site of my actions. Who speaks Dutch?[:I]

But something else ! Did you see that all the trains had put down their pantographs while riding? More or less I can understand the reason for it but on such a nice track it shows as an imperfection. A remark about that has also been made.


Looks like a nice place to visit. Pity it wasn’t there when I spent 3 of my formative teenage years very close to where this place is.

Here are some photos of my standard gauge layout - also modeled on the Black Forest Hollentalbahn. It is currently in a partially dismantled state (sigh) until we move to our new house. Once we move I plan to expand with the narrow gauge branchline.



Looks like a nice place to visit. Pity it wasn’t there when I spent 3 of my formative teenage years very close to where this place is.
