Update on striping paint.

Hey Everyone,

So I have been trying some of the suggestions for striping the paint off of my two locos I want to repaint. And here is where I stand. To quote another brake fluid while good for stopping cars does not do so well on plastic train bodies (kinda) Here is what happend I have an older life like while the brake fluid did clean some of the paint off it also turned the shell into almost a rubbery state. On the 0-6-0 swithcer it also removed some of the paint but did not weeken the plastic at all. The switcher is a bachman just to let you know. I am in the process right now of trying the ez off oven cleaner. I had to let the life like shell stiffen up before I could do anything to it I don’t even know if I can save it now. However seeing as I only paid a couple of bucks for it I’m not to concerned better that then a really good loco the way I look at it.

Hey another update.

I have had very good success with the ez off cleaner on my switcher. I was scrubbing away not realizing that I had got all they way through the paint to the shell which is yellow. Still nursing the other shell trying not to destroy it anymore than it is.