Updates to the Kiva Valley (Update 4-4-15)

Howdy all,

With much joy, I begin my new “build thread” . [;D] Updated pictures at the end of the thread

As some of you know, I have taken down my 11.5 by 2’ long switching layout. I admit, the switching was nice, but I just didnt enjoy it as much as I wanted. Too many times I came home from work and too tired to stand there and run them back and forth… I needed a continuous loop so I could just fire up the DCC and watch them run.

The Challenge? I still have the same 11.5 long layout, but I figured I could get away with 2 loops at the end for the return so its a … um… dog bone shape, shelf layout. Thats it!

My apartment is small and space is a premium so I will have to live with a 18.5-19 inch radiius. It is what it is but its enough to make it work.

The plan will include a yard for switching, train building, and still put in several industries as I do enjoy my own little operating sessions. Also, since I am in an apartment, for who knows how short or long, the layout will once again be built, shall we say fast food style. Minimum bench work, no ballasted tracks. The main base will be 2" thick white foam. A trick I have been using for years. Great stuff.

So, to get this thread started, here it is below. One sheet of 4x8 and one sheet 2x8 foam. The 4x8 laying on my futon sure does make the room look little!

Here is some 1x2 angle trim. I glue this to the bottom of the foam to hold all the sections together and help give it some rigidity. (As a added bonus, in the frame you will see what looks like maps? Those are railroad sponsored system maps from the Penssy RR from 1952 and 1956. They are in PRR frames and came from my uncle, who died before I was bo

Here is another update… First thing, throw down some paint. The white out, blizzard does not work in Arizona.

Also, here is my trick for the foam and one of the reasons I love it so. All of my trees, poles and any other object that stands up gets a pin, stuck in the bottom of it.

How I do it? Cut the head off of the pin. Using needles nose pliers I hold the pin over a candle and count to 10, then push it up into the plastic and hold till it cools. Then, stick the tree or telephone pole where ever I want. I have found no glue required.

With my mind up regarding a previous thread about road bed, I am very happy I went and picked up the new cork. Something I learned on my old and original Kiva Valley was to take the cork, give it a light coat of gray primer, sprinkle some speckle or texture paint…and bingo… decent looking road bed. The reason I wont ballast is that at some point…could be 6 months or who knows, I will be pulling this up. Just not worth the time, mess and waste of ballasting. So, I have to go for the “fake look”. But, it does the job ok. The cork in its original form is just above it.

Next update will be track laying.

Thanks for looking.

I think you have some momentum behind you, John. It’s mostly all figured out, and you are moving the speedo needle past 45 mph. [8D] Looks good so far.


The roadbed looks realistic already[tup]! Great job.

I like to think I am running on Notch 8 [:D] Well, as promised, I have been flying and my first goal has been accomplished. Trains are running.

Starting last night when I got home from work and through the night and hitting it this morning, I completed the main line and installed the turn-outs needed for future spurs for industries. For the first time in 2.5 years, I have watch my trains run. Overall, the mainline has an average of 18-19 inch radius. My 2 axle and 3 axle units work no problem While it is a stretch, and not the best, my BLI Cab-forward runs the tracks fine. Only engines in my roster that dont, are my BLI Hudsons. I have two shorts small bends that migth exceed the 18" mark, not much, but enough to lift the drivers off, ever so slightly. Im bummed about that but it is what it is. Due to space restrictions there isnt much I can do. Even with not being able to run those, I am still thrilled.

In the middle of it last night…

Here is the west end with main line included…

And the east end. The in the middle of the loop will be there yard is located.

With the main being completed and trains able to run, I admit, I will be slowing down now. I am going easy as I am working on the rest of the track plan. I am sure things will change as I make up mind on scenery, structures I want to use and location of industries. I still have some more work to do in adding some extra supports for the base and need to finish the fascia around the exposed foam. But those are all projects for later. I have been spending too much time pulling st

So, this weekends plans didnt go the way I thought… but [:D] I got to spend sometime today working on my layout. I am happy to say that I pretty much have most of track down and my track plan figured out.

First off, was to complete the yard. I had to really squeeze some things as I have a serious room issue so I found myself scratching for every 1/4 inch of room. I needed the biggest yard I could… without over whelming the layout. I also needed a nice tail track and a run around to allow for more switching operations.

The back side of the tail track will lead to a spur that will handle 2 industries that will have between 2-3 cars per location. They are two feed mills/agriculture supply houses. Feed, machinery, seed and chemicals for tank cars will allow for lots of possibilities for flexible operation. I was inspired by some locations around here in Arizona. Occasional flat car, box car, tank cars and grain cars are great for these locations.

I also figured out my industrial district. I was able to get a couple of goals out of this. I have 4 industries that will allow up 6-7 cars, mostly boxcars. The second track, between the main and the industry spur will act as a switching storage line or even function as a passing siding when I get a couple of trains running. Both ends are accessible which will allow for left to right, or right to left operation. Also allows me coming in from one side, or the other.

If you notice in the back corner, I have a retaining wall. Its just propped up but I think instead of squeezing some buil

Gidday, Yeah 18" radius curves are definitely limiting but great to see you’re still managing to do the most important thing in model railroading. Having Fun !! [tup]

Cheers,the Bear.

Wow!!! So much progress. Looking good and it must be good to have trains running around again.


Oh MonkeyBucket… it is a great feeling. I have been digging all my cars on running them for the first time in 2 and 1/2 years. I have found myself saying over and over again. “Oh yah!” as I dug out cars and blow the dust off the engines.

Even with the bigger layout space, I have more room for structures and buildings. I have been diving into my boxes of buildings from old layout that I had in the garage and trying to figure out what I want to do. That light green supply building next to the white feed mill was one my favorite buildings and it is so great to have it out.

Congrats! It’s looking good. I do have a question abou the pic of the locos. Did you paint them yoursef?


Indeed I did. It was the paint scheme I came up with for my Kiva Valley Railway. They were all undecorated models, (hence the hectic mix of rolling stock) but I got great deals on them and adds to the fun of the story behind my rail road.

Good looking little layout you have going. Glad to see you added a roundly round. I get bored with just switching.

Cuda Ken

Yeah… I agree. All though, I never get bored with switching…but that is part of the problem. Sometimes its more work than I want after a long day of real work. I so miss coming, getting a nice beverage [B]and watching a train run. I suppose its a version of my happy hour. [<:o)]

I tinkered so more with the layout. I have my city congestion/industrial look in the middle and one end, i have the country feel with the feed and grain stroage along with some houses. On the other I have the yard taking up a lot of space but I have corner where I wanted to put in some scenery… So, One small mountian, with my favorite pine tress. I found by using the retaining wall, I could raise it up taller, but still keeping some flat space for scenery and trees. Still tinkering around with it, but I think Im getting there.

Made some progress. I got my corner “mountain” all finished. Well, foam work is done and now Im planning some scenery work and some rock work, via sculpt-a-mold. But for the time being, I am happy with the over all look. I made it completly removable so it wil be easy to work on later.

Also finished my first car project in a loong time. I actually did somethign intersting and was able to find the actual car listed in rrpicturesarchive.net. I decided to weather it around 2009, to match the prototype. Which, really was just a fade. By 2010, it appears the SP logo was painted out and replaced with the UP patch. Ugh, I went withthe 2009 look. I have no easy access to my airbrush so I attempted the redneck airbrush using spray paint cans. Light fading look with primer gray and dusting of red primer on top to simulate the rust.

Yea, I know about sitting back and sipping a brew while watching the trains run. Looking forward to seeing some more work done.


My thoughts exactly, switching layouts are nice but they are even nicer if you can turn em on and watch em run when you want to. Any lay out I build will have a continuous run option if I can find a way to squeeze it in. In your case the radius was less than you wanted but you made do and you are enjoying the rail fanning. Also real railroads had some rather sharp curves in cities so it is not that far fetched that you would as well.

Nice progress.

Very nice! I love the mountain and retaining wall.

Is this N scaled (I wasn’t entirely paying attention at the start. [(-D]

Thank you David,

It is HO scale.

This is a great thread. You really managed to maximize the limited amount of space you have to still enjoy switching and have a loop. All in HO scale too? Kudos.

Very nice use of space!