With the huge size of the radiators on the SD9043MAC’s, would it be possible to create split cooling radiators and upgrade them to meet the tier 3 emissions level?
Why, to reduce its emmissions and help the environment? All I asked is is it possible, yes or no? NOT why?
Sure it’s possible but why bother? At the height of the steam era there were 60,000 smoke belching locomotives in America. They were supplanted by 40,000 diesels which in time were succeeded by 20,000. Today that number is just under 30,000. And today’s locomotives haul more ton-miles per year than was ever accomplished by steam. We have cleaned up our act. Everyone else needs to follow our lead, not the other way around.
The answer is no. Tier 3 EMD’s have common rail fuel injection and other design changes. There are ‘emissions kits’ for 90MAC convertibles that upgrade the engine to a ‘+’ Tier, maintaining the orginal engine configuration.
710 Tier 3 is not common rail.
The short answer to the orignal post, anything is possible.
given enough money…but is it economically worthwhile?
Sure… if you are using OPM.
some things still don’t make economic sense, even using OPM
Hey, if mislain guilt means money for almost new power and frees up money in my budget for maintenance then bring it on.
Keep in mind, they put Tier 3 710 engines in GP38’s and 40’s ; so whats the difference?
Look at the SD59MX
About $500K.
What’s the $500k for?
For the new 12N-710G3B-T3 under the hood. They don’t give them away for free, eh? Then the plumbing and electrical have to be modified to work with the new plant. The mechanics and electricians don’t do that for free either.
The way you made it sound was as if it would cost $500k extra to make a SD9043MAC to Tier 3.
Otherwise… $500k for a 710 repower GP38/40, not even close in price.
Oh no, that was just a starting point. Nothing cheap about the railroad biz. In other words, one does not rebuild to Tier 3 on a whim.
Wikipedia doesn’t list a 12N-710G3B-T3. Does this really exist? Would also be a drop in Horsepower. And I thought thought 38s and 40s only met Tier 2 using either 8-710G3A-T2 or 12-710G3B-T2. Wikipedia also doesn’t list a 710 plant that meets T3. I assume the T3 ACes are just 16-710G3C-T2s with minor modifications and tweaks to the cooling and exhaust.
Wikipedia? Seriously?
Wikipedia’s 710 entry has a concise listing of the 710 models and I’ve found it reasonably accurate. Wikipedia is more broadly an excellent resource if you understand it’s limitations. Finally, 12N-710 is a designation That seems to be used exclusively in export engines and again, rated at 3200HP, so not at all what would be dropped into an SD90 carbody.
Wikipedia is… missing information. 12N-710G3B-T3 is a current engine model. Same engine NS GP33ECO’s use.
The whole point of bringing that example up is to show what is possible, if you want another example. Look at the NS SD60E, Altoona built them using Tier II 16-710 added EUI and seperate loop aftercooling.