upgrading to DCC

Can anybody give me some good advice on selecting DCC hardware. I want to include sound but do not want to break the bank.

Hello all,

How big is your bank that you don’t want to break???

Hope this helps.

All of the commercial systems I am aware of will work with ‘sound’ decoders. You can buy a NCE Power Cab system for around $150(discounted price). The Digitrax Zephyr Xtra can be had for around $175(discounted price). Of course sound/motor decoders and DCC equipped engine are the real expense!


Like he said, how big is your bank and what are your electronic and mechanical abilities like?

What is yoiur present knowledge like about how DCC works?

There are many variables in DCC and model trians.

Non sound decoders about $20. DCC and sound, about $60.00 to $150.00 depending on who you buy from.


The below fellow has worked closely with SoundTraxx but there are other companies that are good.

Some prefer LokSound, TCS, Digitrax.

Different ways to connect, install.

Some plug in. Some hardwire.
There can be light bulbs or LED’s in some locos. Different requirements. Some have 12 voilt bulbs, one company I know of, 1.5 volt bulbs.



Hello all,

Also, what scale are you modeling and how big a layout?

A relatively small pike will have different needs than a room-size, two-level one.

We all have our preferred DCC system for various reasons. Some practical; expense & expandability, some personal; I don’t like that company, some ergonomic; that controller does not “feel” right, and some political; I’ll never use that system because my club does not!

What form of control are you considering…wired, wireless, dead-rail?

Are you running as a “lone wolf” or will you be needing multiple controllers for operating sessions?

Then there is the question are/will you want to use a smart phone or tablet throttle in the future (or now)?

Finding the “right” DCC system is like finding a mate. Some will agree with your choice, some will question your decision, but if it is a fit for you then you have found the one for you.

I considered many factors before deciding on a DCC system. In the end I chose an unpopular system with infrared communication between the controller and the base, yet has the power and features that I want.

Many have questioned my choice, and some have even derided it, but like I said before, the “mate” I chose works for me.

I realize this post asks more questions than provides answers, but the question of “which is the best” is arbitrary at best, and contentious at worst.

Keep asking questions, do some research and you will find that DCC “mate” that you are looking for, despite the cost.

Hope this helps.

Gee, I hope we haven’t scared the OP off…

As mentioned above, a decent NGC or Digitrax entry level system can be had for a couple hundred dollars. And from there the sky is the limit.


Some years ago I bought the NCE Power Cab. Only run two or three sound HO locos. The DCC does not power anything else. Manual turnouts.

About ten x twenty four feet and one yard with a few turnouts. Proper wiring so voltage drop was not an issue.


Hey nosniknej:

Welcome to the forums!!! [#welcome]

When this question comes up there are invariably two main camps of thought. Most people seem to support either NCE or Digitrax. Both offer good quality starter sets. There are opinions offered on other systems but NCE and Digitrax garner the most support and there are very few negative comments (NCE almost none).

The NCE Power Cab system is good value and it is fully featured. In other words it will handle all the programming and operating functions that the more expensive systems will. It will run three sound equipped locomotives no problem. It is expandible.

Digitrax offers the Zephyr Xtra as a starter system. I am not familiar with it so I won’t comment other than to say that I have never seen any scathing reviews.

I looked at both systems when I started into DCC and I chose the NCE Power Cab simply because I am all thumbs and the layout of the NCE throttle (hand control) seemed to be much easier to use. I do not regret my choice.

Your bank account is going to be hit much harder by the cost of sound decoders. I have settled on using Loksound (ESU) Select sound decoders exclusively. They are cheaper than most other quality sound decoders and their performance is top notch. I value motor control more than sound quality but the Loksound Selects are excellent in both areas.

There are several good sources for DCC systems and decoders. I use Tony’s Train Exchange. Their prices are pretty good and you can call them up directly if you have any questions. Litchfield Station is another source that seems to be popular but I haven’t dealt with them personally.

Hope this helps a bit.

All the best,


thanks, that helps a lot.

the bank account is about $1000 for the conversion. I have a very a basic understanding.

the scale is HO. I am sure how big I will end up making it but does that make a difference? Are there limits or extra equipment needed for larger layouts?

I am working with HO. What would the extra requirements be for a room size layout? I will probably need no more than two wireless controllers.

Don’t forget the “DCC is not an upgrade” crowd. [}:)]

The limits are based more on the number of locomotives you plan to run at one time rather than the size of the layout. A large layout is generally broken down into power districts using circuit breakers to make trouble shooting easier and to prevent one short from putting the whole layout out of business.

When you run more than 10 or so locomotives (this number varies based on sound or not and the age of your locomotives) you need to add DCC boosters. If you only ever plan on 2 throttles, you won’t be able to run enough trains at once to make this a problem.

Does that include decoders or is that just for the system?

Wireless is going to cost you a lot more. A basic NCE Power Cab system from Tony’s is $134.95 plus tax and shipping. An NCE Power Pro 5 amp wireless system is $479.95 ++. A second wireless throttle will set you back between $142 and $195 depending on which one you choose. You may also require a repeater which is another $102. So, if you go for the Power Pro 5 amp wireless, plus a second full featured throttle, plus a repeater you are looking at $777 plus tax and shipping. Add in two Locsound Select decoders at $86 each and you have enough left to cover the cost of connection panels etc. and maybe a box of beer.

If you were to start with the tethered Power Cab system plus a second basic throttle and the bits needed to hook everything up, you would have enough to buy 8 Loksound Selects and the speakers, wires, etc.

I am not familiar with Digitrax so I won’t attempt to price a radio system out.


My suggestion, as always, is to find a train shop, club or train show where you can hold the throttles in your hand and try them out. The throttle is your personal interface to the system, so be comfortable with it. I’m an old guy with big hands, so I like big, easy-to-see buttons, and I frown on tiny cell-phone sized electronics. Others prefer the smaller controller with more buttons per square inch. It’s your choice, but you should pick the throttle you are most comfortable with.

Make sure the system you choose is expandable. Some “entry level” systems are, and others ar not.

Think about wireless controllers vs. tethered controllers. Wireless can make operating your layout a lot easier.

But y’know what? You’re going to be happy. Other than avoiding those non-expandable systems, pretty much every DCC system on the market is a high quality product.