Upper Midwest "Where is it?"

[(-D]You’re a wise man. I did look over the former RI line that runs east out of Sibley yesterday. Somehow, I don’t think those will ever be used again. They’re in pretty tough shape.

You had me fooled with the “highest point” reference, in that I thought the town in question was in the same state- Sibley was my guess as well.

Having a reputation for making these much too easy, I felt I needed to be a little bit sneaky.[:-,]

In my state, the highest point has mountain goats, and, well…a point on top. I chuckled when I saw the sign. It certainly is the highest point in the state. The exact location though, might depend on how much disking the farmer does year to year. Consequently, Sibley is a good guess, meets all the criteria for my clues, but isn’t the answer I was looking for.

Perhaps a few more clues:

This city has what was once billed as the world’s largest tractor junkyard. I don’t know about the present. The sign out front suggests they are in the agricultural recycling business.

There is a hole under the embankment of the mainline, where 100 or so years ago, it was built as a flyover of what must have been existing RI tracks.

This town has been known around these parts as a place where they make a product that is MM good!

( Now, isn’t this more fun than arguing over land grants?[;)])

Sorry, my atlas quits at the Iowa-Minnesota line.

As another perpetrator of diabolical "where-is-it"s, I must congratulate you! And follow it up with only one word…


Yes! Worthington, Minnesota it is. I got some time yesterday to follow the old Omaha Road (CNW) line from my town over to Worthington. There, I got to see something we don’t have around here-UP trains and locomotives. It might be a crew change location, as there were 3 sets of locomotives in the yard there. After poking around a bit, I figured out that the Rock Island also came through there. I headed south to Sibley Iowa, past Hawkeye Point, the "highest point in Iowa. From Sibley, I followed the old Rock Island line back home.

For all practical purposes, Sibly, Iowa also answers the question, and Mitchell, S.D. almost answers the question. Grand Marais, MN…a little off. Thanks to all who replied.[:)]