Urethane Casting Info wanted

Okay, I need to make a bunch of 1885 ore cars. So assuming I can,

  1. find a picture of a prototype 1885 ore car, and

  2. scratchbuild one that looks and runs decent,

where can I find info about making molds and casting my own resin kits?

Micro-Mark sells starter kits that explain the whole process. A buddy of mine used it, and was happy with the results. The only thing is, he said the resin is very suseptible to air bubbles.

MR also did a couple articles (which I can’t lay my hands on at the moment) about it.


Chip, the timing of your question is downright freakish.

A few days ago I picked up some old MR’s at a local train depot for 50 cents each.

May 2002 has an article describing exactly what you’re asking about - casting urethane parts.

Interestingly, the article is written by Tom Piccirillo, and the article says he’s the general manager of Micro-Mark.