Good Morning All,
This week we are going to share one of the first Steam engines with sound. This is the Lionel Sound of Steam Set from 1971.
The storage Styrofoam for the cars was molded to also be houses.
The engine is the basic 4-4-2.
The cars were all plastic with plastic trucks. One truck was made with a molded closed coupler and the other truck had a working coupler. This was one way of cutting cost.
and the steam engine doesn’t smoke like an MTH
So you can here what this sounded like, we have posted a VIDEO
So click on this link and on the ‘Sound of Steam’ folder to see the flick.
Just click on the file name.
Sound of Steam
Instruction for Posting Pictures on the forum.
First you need a Digital Camera.
Second you need a Host on the internet to upload your pictures to. If you don’t have one, my I suggest Shutterfly at
They do not charge for hosting your pics, they hope you will someday order print, calendars, mouse pads, or mugs with our pics on them.
OK so now you have your pictures uploaded to your host, we can start on how to post on the forum.
Open your host site up, and it should look something like this. I am using my at Shutterfly.
Pick you album and open it.
One click on the picture you want and enlarge it.
Place your mouse over the picture and RIGHT click on it.
You will see a list come up and click on the last one Properties.
This brings up a list of properties and what you need is the Address (URL). You can either retype this or highlight it and right click and copy it.
hope this helps.
Photo Posting
[:D]updated the new links [:p][;)]
Spankybird, first of all, the instructions were great. I still don’t have the camera for all that you explained, but it was easy to understand. As for the inner child you have, I think we all have one someplace, somewhere. Congratulations!!!
ralph zimmer