USA GP38-2 sideframes

Hello , this is my first post and I was hoping that someone out there could help me . I have a USA Trains GP38-2 loco and I want to remove the truck side fraimes so I can paint them black . Can anyone tell me how to go about doing this .

blue aster,
Welcome to the forum!!! It is great to see new people posting here. Have you tried to contact USA Trains service dept.? They would know for sure. Sorry I have no idea myself how those come apart but chances are someone here will. It may take some time for that reply to come so I would suggest trying the manufacturer first. All the best and enjoy the forum. Later eh…Brian.[#welcome]

Glad to have found this web site ! Anyway after I posted my question last nite I went to the basement and started fiddling with the loco . Turns out the sideframes are held on by 3 screws located right on the front of the sideframe . Two of the screws were hidden under this yoke looking part (I don’t know the exact name or function ) . I repainted the truck , air tanks, bell and fuel tank black . The engine is painted in the BNSF colors and all the GP38-2’s that I have seen are painted this way . Thanks anyway all you out there !

blue aster,
Glad to hear you got that worked out. Have a good weekend! Later eh…Brian.