Hello there,
I’m contemplating the purchase of a USA Trains GG-1 (particularly like the Congressional Set) but as I operate using Massoth-LGB MTS, before placing my order, I would like to ensure that straight out of the box the loco runs on Massoth-LGB MTS.
I ask this question because I got caught out when I purchased a Bachmann 3-Truck Shay with factory-fitted dcc sound which shuts down when it gets more than 22 volts (and is currently away being fitted with Massoth decoders and Pheonix sound!!)
Is there anyone out there who operates a USA Trains GG-1 on LGB-MTS or Massoth Dimax who can tell me if they have experienced any problems with these locomotives. None of my friends over here have one of these locos so hopefully somebody here can help.
Many thanks,