Uses for sawdust?

Hi all-

After several months of planning, I started on the benchwork this weekend. When the dust settled, there was a large pile of sawdust on the floor and it got me thinking: Can I use this for something on my layout? Or am I just being overly frugal?

Any thoughts? Thanks.

Load for a woodchip hopper.

I use it for fill mostly. I work part time at a wood shop and can get it by the trash can load. Sometimes I dye it and use it on the back half of the layout instead of the way more expensive WS ground foam. I like the sawdust from the band saws. It’s very, very fine, almost like powder.

Mix it into the plaster for your scenery. Wood chips for hopper loads.

I mix it with premixed Drywall cement with color for ground goop.

My first layout had dyed sawdust for grass. Do your own and you can make it diferent shades, sift if you want grass, leave in bigger chunks if you are doing wilder areas.

Good luck,