Wow! Should this even be legal? Above is CSX Ex Conrail Goodman Yard in Rochester NY
and above I beleive the UP Ex MP Yard in S Chicago
and above is some hangers and runways at Wright Patterson Airforce Base in Dayton OH
Wow! Should this even be legal? Above is CSX Ex Conrail Goodman Yard in Rochester NY
and above I beleive the UP Ex MP Yard in S Chicago
and above is some hangers and runways at Wright Patterson Airforce Base in Dayton OH
Incredible quality and views! Back in the 90s, photo views like this were usually eminating from military satellites. Pretty soon, if not already, they’ll be able to zoom in on ants. [;)]
Very Nice ! Many thanks for the tip. I spent over 2 hours looking at the P.H. Glatfelter paper mill in Chillicothe,Ohio. Beautiful sprawling complex. And I didn’t have overly zealous security guards practically accusing me of industrial espionage, bullying me !!!
Wonderful color photographs, lots of details. I even typed in Lichterfelde,Germany to view a power plant I remember from my Cold War days. Awesome ! It is simply amazing the amount of nifty details one can get from overhead.
I can hardly wait to start work on my chemical plant on the model RR.[:)]