using LEDs on a control panel to indicate turnout position

Some time ago I read an article about how to wire in LEDs on a control panel to indicate turnout position for solenoid activated switch machines. I have been unable to find the article again and would like to use LED indicators with momentary on push buttons with my solenoid activated machines. Who can tell me how to do this wiring?

Personally, solenoid machines are not my favorite. (inflation)

But if you must, you can show where the points are “supposed” to be with a DPDT switch ahead of the pushbutton. This is not a guaranteed indication however. One half of the switch feeds the LED.

You can also equip some solenoid machines with relays to activate the LEDs. This is better, but by the time you’re done it’s easier and about the same cost to put a bi-color LED in series with a lead to a tortoise.

Also don’t forget to use solenoid machines ONLY on a capacitive discharge power supply.


There are two circuits for indication with twin coil machines at this link:

I like the “Deluxe” circuit. There was a recent 2 part article in N-Scale magzine describing a similar circuit. I believe it was the Nov/Dec and Jan/Feb issues.

Martin Myers


Have a look at this site, these units (751D) obviate the need for a capacitive discharge power supply and allow for led indicators.


Holy Moley, Batman! KISS, anyone?

My twin-coils are operated off a dedicated power supply with enough capacity to eliminate any fancy electronics (38 watts at the source) and my indicators are wired to the contacts on the switch machines (ancient KTM, 3PDT, and more recent RIX, DPDT) without any connection between the two. Machines are operated by either a hot probe or a rotary switch circuit that CAN’T keep one coil powered until it smokes.

If I was a Tortoise user, there are circuits that allow the use of a single SPDT toggle per machine, and LEDs can be wired in series with the power to the Tortoise to indicate direction.

For the price of one super-switch, I can wire an entire control panel for a twelve track single-ended staging yard. In fact, I already have.

Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - as inexpensively as possible)