Can’t be that hard with a mini aquirium pump even could combine my 2 hobbies of tropical fish and trains into one room. Hardly ever see it though
I can be done and it has been done, but the problem is the water has to be replaced on occasion to prevent algae growth. Some folks put a drop or two of dish detergent in the water to slow the process but it doesn’t stop it.
Basically any maintanance you have to do to your fishtank you’ll have to do with real water on the layout to a degree. Which is the reason people go the fake water route with layouts, it’s one less thing to be concerned with.
Yep. Live fish would need daily care and you would want a temporary home for them while you clean the water feature. Which would make the length of a river somewhat limited because you’d have to thoroughly clean the bed at least once a month. I’ve seen more real water features on outdoor railroads.
At first, my inclination was to poopoo the idea. But I also love a good challenge. And since you are introducing trains to a room that already has aquatic life, things are probably stable humidity-wise.
What scale (no-pun-intended) trains would you be running…?
I would enjoy seeing a fleet of Lionel Submarine cars staged at a boat launch. The Lionel Acquarium building could be built situated on top of a tank, using pylons and platforms. Maybe you could build a plexiglass tunnel for visitors to walk through the tank.
As for the running water, seems you already are comfortable employing the tank pumps to circulate the H2O.
So, yeah go for it, and share your build here.
Oh, and might a suggest a sunken pirate ship scene…? [oX)]
The last time I was in Strasburg, in '08, I remember a gold fish tank in the display at Choo Choo Barn.So this has been done successfully. It looked really cool there!
I also remember our personal experiences with our fish tank: half changing water, and the weight of just a 10 gallon tank! So, plan accordingly!
You might have something there, though…
[I] A fishing pier over another tank. [oX)]
The original Gilbert display layout on the second floor of the Hall of Science in New York used real water. There are many pictures of it online at If they made it work in the early 1950’s we should be able to do the same now.
Humm, where can you get live 1:48 scale large mouth bass??? [swg]
Maybe if you get eggs they’ll only grow as much as their environment allows? [:-^]