Using salvaged rail

First time post/fairly new on this site, so I guess I should introduce myself first. I’m in Iowa and recently retired and now have a basement to play in so I’ve decided to liquidate all my N scale stuff and switch to HOn3. So far I’ve picked up a Blackstone K-27, a half dozen kits and a fast tracks jig for turnouts. I’ve also set up a small shop area to support the construction of the layout and production of scale lumber. Only the roughest of layout design has been done.

Now for my first question and I know that if someone misreads or misinterprets I’m going to get flamed for stupid question #1. Having found that N scale flex track is virtually worthless on ebay and at swap meets and since I have 40-50 sections, what do you think of the idea of stripping the rail and hand laying it for the HOn3? I know the base is narrower than ME code 70 which is my chosen rail size and of course the height difference as well. I guess that my biggest concern is the narrow base and whether or not it presents a large enough surface to be glued and spiked to the ties without popping loose and going out of gauge. I would be placing it in the less noticable and less accessable areas of the layout, so reliability is a priority.

So–whaddaya think?? Anyone ever try this or have any strong feelings about it one way or another? One last thing–can private messages be sent on this forum?

Thanks, Steve

Most of the rail I use for hand-laying specialwork is salvaged, largely from flex track too badly damaged to re-use as-is. IMHO, as long as there is enough rail base to provide a gripping surface for spikes, it should be suitable for hand-laying. If the rail base is too narrow, you should still be able to rig up a jig and solder it to widely-spaced PC board ties, then fill in with wood ties. The mismatch in rail heights can be provided for by using thinner ties under the Code 80 (or thicker ties under Code 55.)

In truly hidden locations (hidden staging, or inside tunnels) you can dispense with ties and simply lay the rail directly on sheet wood of appropriate thickness. I have a 5-track staging yard where the appropriate thickness wood is a 1 x 12 pine plank. The rail itself is really bad - some of it is close to 50 years old - but care in aligning joints and maintaining gauge has made it as dependable as fresh-from-the-box flex track.

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)


Congratulations on retirement, I did the same two years ago (and haven’t looked back).

I am in HO (also collect Lionel postwar), but did a stint in N about 15 years ago. Even then, it was too small for me to work, so you have my admiration for being able to do so. To answer your question, I agree with the previous poster that you can certainly re-use it. One thing to consider is that Ebay prices are down from the usual highs in Dec/Jan for track and such. If your track is “like new” and you don’t have to reuse it, I would consider putting it aside until next winter and sell on Ebay. I speak from experience.



[#welcome] Welcome to your new forum Steve.

First of all if anyone flamed you for anything you stated above, I personaly think they would be a bit off on thier medication and led back to thier room LOL. So just kick back and relex as there are not only a lot of great modelers here, but also a mulitude of sharing people to boot.

Being in HO I use your scale track for bridge rails, inground or shop rails, and loads. If you have doubts of how your rail will hold, set up a test section on your work bench, and abuse it checking for holding power.

I did tinker around with different available glues, and found Krazy glue hold’s great for project’s I want strenght, wood to rail holds great so far.

Welcome also to your retirement…the first thing’s I found when I retired, is that one does not have to be done with progect’s over the weekend, First month or so, a lot of time to do things…but when one gets into the full retirement mode, it seems that your so busy, ya dont know how you had the time for a full time job LOL I think the secret is staying busy and of course telling the wife and friends you are LOL…John

The N scale rail should work fine for handlaying. Some years ago I bought a couple of sections of N scale flex to try handlaying track. I took the rail out of the tie strip, then spiked it directly (no ties) to a 8"x3’ strip of 3/4" plywood. I also used it to scratchbuild a #10 turnout on the same board, and my HO scale equipment worked fine on it. While it was only to test the method, I had it sitting around for over 10 years, and no problem with the rails coming loose due to the narrow bottom flange, despite some occasional rough handling.


The wheels dont care, as long as its in gauge. N scale has used code 70-, 55, and 40, perfect for HOn3. Just say you scrounged some rail from a park railroad or a 2 foot line.


Another ‘narrow gauger’! Cool!

I too am in the process of building an HOn3 layout. I’m using ME code 55 flex and Fast Tracks #5 turnouts. I even have two of the Blackstone Mudhens. I was in N scale several years ago and the thought of trying to hand lay that or even code 55 HO is just too much. If I were you I’d scrap it and go with some nice ME HOn3 flex track…but that’s just what I would do. Especially if you have never hand lay

I have used old track in the past for hand layed track on bridges. It worked ok but be sure it isn’t bent too badly when removing it from the ties.

Since no one answered you question…yes private messages can be sent. You click on the PM button on the bottom of someone’s message. That sends them a Private Message.
