Utah Belt future?

I was looking around, and saw a post on another forum (not sure which) that said that teh UB was going to merge with the BNSF. Is Erik planning on “getting out of the buisiness” per se. (quiting with the UB?) that would be a shame. it’s one of the last famous model railroads still operating, isn’t it?


I don’t have any idea about the future of the UB, but a friend pointed me to several eBay auctions for Utah Belt locos, going for enormous prices. Some people seem to want to preserve them I guess.

In a way, Utah Belt NEVER had a future. Because it was always set in the present. And I guess consolidation into a megamerger is part of the present.

Yes, but it’s his railroad- a freelanced one debut. he’s gotten it this far, he can get it even further.

You do have a point though…

But if they merge then all of my BNSF locos will need to get patched or repainted!

It would be a sad thing if Eric tore down the UB again never to rebuild. I think the lastest thing about the UB in MR was in 2003 I think. I’ve been wondering if the A&LS has had a similar fate[:(].

The Lone Geep

Utah Belt was always one of my favorite model railroads to read about and look at in the magazines. No surprise since my favorite railroads are Rio Gande and SP and UB freelances based primarily on those two. I also like the desert scenery Eric did.

But there’s an even bigger question – Mcelland’s V&0, Chub’s SVKoester with the AM and NKP, Cat Mountain, UB, a few others set a standard and created a following since the 80s. Yes, I know many of these guy’s are still working on new, updated layouts, but other than Pelle Soeberg, who’s going to fill their shoes? We’ve had a grand era of inspiring railroads with inspiring authors. Who do we have coming on that has both the model railroading talent, the resources, and the abiltiy to share these guys have?

I like the Utah Belt too. Eric Brooman is an artist with his backdrops. And the first Utah Belt was a great railroad in a small room.


I think Cody Grinvo(hope I spelt that right!) is one of the up and coming stars of model railroading. I wish they would show more of his layout and David Popp is another person who I think will fill the gap. Me being a teen, I look at these guys stuff as insportation because of their age and them being younger. Just my thoughts.


As a modeler and true fan of the Utah Belt I think it would be tragic to lose the road. Eric has done such a great job making the line believable for us. It’s amazing how much it appeals to me as it’s basically everything I don’t like in my modeling. I’m set in the mountains of Maryland, hauling coal with steam and it’s definitely NOT western scenery, modern SP-style diesels and big time railroading! Jeeze! Proves he did a fantastic job!

None of us is getting younger and most of the “classic railroads” that have been a joy to us for years have been either torn down or rebuilt into something else in the last few years. I’m just glad we had such a long time to enjoy the UB, AM & V&O. THANKS GUYS! Sure wish Allen Keller would have paid him a visit along with Irv Schultz & Bud Sima.

Roger Huber

UB on Tracks Ahead. Starts at 08:00


Could Eric simply be updating his roster? He does model the present and maybe the UB has decided to rid itself of older motive power to finance new locos.

Wolfgang Dudler’s Westport Terminal Railroad is a great one. He uses many up to date techniques and puts together one hell of a railroad. His website is awesome.

Everyone, relax! I’m not sure about anything, it’s a rumor I heard here:

(I know I’m not supposed to link to other forumns, so you can follow the URL:


Posts 9 and 19

It only hints that he’ll get rid of the roadname and it never says in any way that he’ll tear down the layout. Perhaps He’ll just patch his locos and start modeling the BNSF…

I don’t like it though, If I’m not msistaken it’s like Erik to drop little teasers about his future plans, this may be one of them.