Utah goes for RR Quarter

It will be announced today


Get ready to collect yours in Oct 2007

Utahns have a much better sense of humor than I thought, cleverly including a giant phallic symbol on the quarter. [:)]

There is a design flaw in this one, the tenders of both locomotives are missing!! How in God’s name are you going to run a steam locomotive without fuel and water?? I have seen numerous examples of the same thing before. Obviously, someone was not thinking, or is ignorant of the basic principles of steam locomotive operation.[banghead] [D)][banghead]


Um, they are working with a little QUARTER CP2816, geez lighten up!

On another note:

Hey man, Try and curb your enthusiasm alright.

Eastside, you have been exposed to too much urban graffiti! The “phallic symbol” is the last (a/k/a golden) spike! Driven home on this very day in 1869! A 139th anniversary doesn’t warrant anything special, but the quarter will be a nice way to commemorate the 140th!

Ah well you beat me to it.

It looks as if they did not have room to include the tenders but hey, they could have gone with that retarded snowboarder, or that stupid beehive.

Dldance, Is that you I saw on the fox 13 news making a speech?

Probably it was those lit. and art courses at college. More accurately, there are three phallic symbols: the spike and the two locomotives, all suggestively positioned. [:)]

How Apporiate this is today is the 137th Birthday of the Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad.



No - I was firing one of the locomotives. The speaker is a historian that research the short but violent life of Promontory. A diorama based on his research was also unveiled today at the visitor’s center. The modelers you met at the Ogden train show did much of the diorama.


Cool stuff! I want to make it up there at some point in time and see Promotory. How often do you guys fire those locos up?

Yeaaa boyyyy